Accordian Book

I was looking on the Bind It All website yesterday for some inspiration for a new spiral bound book when I noticed they were doing an online class - four books in four weeks.  Cost $25.  Which works out about Ā£16.  I decided to give it a go and am I glad!  What a lovely book this is.  It is large 8" x 6" but contains four "wallets" which take a reasonable sized folder.  It was quite quick to make too and is now ready for me to record by Garden Treasures this summer.

The flower is one I made after watching a You-tube video - scrunched up paper!  Pretty impressive though!

I didn't have a BIA Closure so I made one from grungepaper and attached it with brads.  If I'd known it was going to work so well I would have taken more time over it!

Can't wait for the next book next week .................
